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Rollability News

Grafts, Summon Enmity Personification - 11-May-2015

Updated the DB to reflect these changes, after patch 18.7.0 :
  • Following 18.7.0 patch note (Grafts, Nano Fingers and Pills will no longer drop)
    and from personal rolling experience, I've removed from the database all items containing "Symbio-Graft", "Boosted-Graft", "Finger with" and "Charged Nano Critter".
  • QL156 Nano Crystal (Lesser Enmity Personification) has been renamed to Nano Crystal (Summon Enmity Personification), and all other previously rollable "Enmity Personification" nanocrystals aren't now.
  • QL10 Nano Crystal (Restock Special Ammo) is rollable, but also available in fixer stores.

Brain Freeze - 10-Jan-2010

QL180 Nano Crystal (Brain Freeze) is rollable now, as reward and item-to-find.

A few rollables renamed - 10-Aug-2007 to 25-Jun-2009

  • "Second-Hand Vektor M-31 Automatic Grenade Launche" -> "Second-Hand Vektor M-31 Automatic Grenade Launcher"
  • "Read Only Memory Rack" -> "Read-Only Memory Rack"
  • "Nanobots Container" -> "Nanobot Container"
  • "A sergeant's knowledge" -> "A sergeant's knowledge" (double-space has been singled)
  • "Nano Crystal (Calia's Form: Dragon)" -> "Nano Crystal (Calia's Form: Pit Lizard)"
  • "Nano Crystal (Monofilament Cat-O" -> "Nano Crystal (Monofilament Cat-O'Nine-Tails)"
  • "NanoCrystal (Dodge Persuers)" -> "NanoCrystal (Dodge Pursuers)"
  • "NanoCrystal (Persuade for Freedom)" -> "NanoCrystal (Pursuade for Freedom)"
  • "Exellent Concrete Cushion" -> "Excellent Concrete Cushion"
  • "Nano Crystal (Team Empowered Allure of Servitude)" changed QL from 42 to 142


Interesting Rollability Facts

Items not included in ClickSaver 3.0.0 Tiny.cdb

Once in a while an item lands in the rollability tables although it doesn't make much sense that it should be there.
A recent example of this is QL180Nano Crystal (Brain Freeze), a Nodrop crat nano that is traditionally obtained as Pen Xan quest reward. Why is it rollable while the rest of the professions must do the quest to obtain it? Mystery.
Anyway, as of Jan 10 2010 I've rolled it in RK2 as item-to-find and mission reward.

Since this item is not included in the Tiny.cdb bundled with ClickSaver 3.0.0, by default you can only roll it as item-to-find, unless you use an all-items All.cdb or add this string to the "Items" tab, that allows to roll it as reward:

Other newly rollable items, not included in Tiny.cdb:
QL125 Nano Crystal (Furry Precision) introduced in patch 18.7.4.
QL10 Nano Crystal (Restock Special Ammo) introduced in patch 18.7.0, store-buyable in fixer's stores.

Previous examples, already retired from the rollability tables are:
  • Nano Crystal (Pet Attention) - 21-Aug-2007 - QL100, Rollable in patch 17.5.1
  • Nano Crystal (Pet Steal Back) - 21-Aug-2007 - QL100, Rollable in patch 17.5.1
  • Nano Crystal (Improved Pet Attention) - 21-Aug-2007 - QL215, Rollable in patch 17.5.1
  • Nano Crystal (Improved Pet Steal Back) - 21-Aug-2007 - QL215, Rollable in patch 17.5.1

You must use double quotes around a few items if you want to roll them in ClickSaver:
  • "Compu-Seeker Long Axe -Y1000" , "Compu-Seeker Long Axe -Y2000" etc
  • "Yatamutchy Movement Predictor -X7B" and "Yatamutchy Movement Predictor -Xl1"
  • "Map Reader Upgrade -Directional Arrow", although this is easier to find in the shop. :)

Why? Because if you're trying to roll a Compu-Seeker Long Axe -Y3000 for instance, with the string Compu-Seeker Long Axe -Y3000 you're actually telling ClickSaver to discard items that contain Y3000 in their names.

In the latter case you should be using "Compu-Seeker Long Axe -Y3000" -manual. Note the -manual bit to avoid rolling a Compu-Seeker Long Axe -Y3000 Construction Manual.

You can use some nanoformulas from other professions by rolling and hacking the Boosted-Graft of your choice. Boosted-Grafts are better (and more demanded) than Symbio-Grafts because they lock skills for less time.

Most Nanocrystals are rollable in any mission in the QL-10 ... QL+10 range.
There are a few exceptions I've found in a wider range. Check them in the database for more details:

QL239 Nano Crystal (Anima of The Abomination) to-find in QL250 mission (QLdif=11)
QL70 Nano Crystal (Sneaking Terror) rewarded/to-find in QL90 mission (QLdif=20)
QL60 Nano Crystal (A Clear Sense of Scheol) rewarded/to-find in QL74 mission (QLdif=14)
QL37 Nano Crystal (Mind Scream) rewarded/to-find in QL60 mission (QLdif=23)
QL30 Nano Crystal (Overview of Elysium) rewarded/to-find in QL45 mission (QLdif=15)

These are found really far from their QL:
QL132 Nano Crystal (Greater Hold Victim) rewarded/to-find in missions around QL80
QL83 Nano Crystal (Hold Victim) rewarded/to-find in missions around QL130

The high QL (125-250) health and nano recharge kits are available as mission rewards, not easy to roll though:

Sitting: Advanced Nano Rechargers , HQ Health Laboratories , Purge Nano Kits , Virus Scanners and Shadowlands' Coils
Sitting in-battle: Battle Prepared Nano and Health kits
Usable standing: First-Aid Kits , Sophisticated Nano Kits , Free Movement Kits and Shadowland's Spindles

The following rollable items are always in high demand in the trade channels:

Basic Implants. They're rare under QL200, but common over QL200 (Refined).
Omni-Med Suit parts, NCU Memories and QL160-ish Belt Component Platform 6K-X are available as mission reward.
QL10-ish Concrete Cushions are available either as item-to-find or mission reward

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